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SpaceRadar | Payload Selection Tool


Company Name: Astrobotic Technology, USA

Available for future missions 

Planned Missions: Peregrine Mission One

First Mission Launch: 2023

Payload Delivery Locations: First mission planned to land at Sinus Viscositatis, adjacent to the Gruithuisen Domes

Astrobotic’s landers can deliver payloads to lunar orbit as well as the lunar surface.

Lunar Orbit 1 (LO1) - 100 km x 8700 km, Lunar Orbit 2 (LO2) - 100 km x 750 km, Lunar Orbit 3 (LO3) - 100 km x 100 km

Lunar Surface - Polar regions, PM1: Lacus Mortis, Skylights, Pits, or Caves, Equatorial, Mid-Latitute, Craters, Far Side regions 

Payload capacity - To Surface: 100 kg

Payload bay (size): 2 side decks with 0.5 sq.m of mounting area per side & 1 side deck with 0.2 sq.m of the mounting area

Power distribution (for payload): 1W per kg (nominal) 

2.5W per kg (peak)

30W per kg (release)


To lunar orbit - US $300,000/kg

To the lunar surface - US $1,200,000/kg

For deploying a rover - US $4,500,000/kg 

Communications available: The lander-Earth connection uses X-Band range for uplink and downlink space communications. 

The lander-payload connection is provided via Serial RS-422 or SpaceWire for wired communication throughout the mission. Following landing, a 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11n compliant WLAN modem enables wireless communication between the lander and deployed rovers on the lunar surface. Peregrine lander relays payload telecommands and telemetry in near real-time.

Lander provides 10 kbps Bandwidth per Kg of payload 

Expected working duration: 8+ Earth days 

Astrobotic provides Technical support, Payload integration and mission services for customers. 

Payloads can be mounted above or below the decks, inside or outside of enclosures, and can remain attached or deployed according to the customers' needs.

First Mission Ship manifest: 

1) Colmena Rovers by Universidad Nacional Autónoma De México (UNAM) & Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM), Mexico

2) Asagumo rover - World's first walking rover based on legs & not wheels. A moon rover to explore lunar lava tubes by Spacebit, UK

3) Iris lunar rover by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and Astrobotic technology

4) Yaoki lunar rover by Dymon co., ltd., Tokyo. Dymon has been developing the Yaoki rover for eight years, and completed the rover's base technology in 2018

5) Neutron Spectrometer System (NSS), developed by NASA Ames will search for indications of water ice near the lunar surface

6) Mass Spectrometer Observing Lunar Operations (MSOLO), developed at Kennedy space centre in Florida will identify low-molecular weight volatiles

7) Near-Infrared Volatile Spectrometer System (NIRVSS), developed at Ames research centre will measure surface and subsurface hydration, carbon dioxide and methane

8) Linear Energy Transfer Spectrometer (LETS), developed at NASA Johnson

9) Fluxgate Magnetometer (MAG), developed at NASA Goddard

10) Neutron Measurements At The Lunar Surface (NMLS), developed at Marshall space flight centre in Alabama

11) Memory Of Mankind On The Moon - Team Puli, from Hungary, will send a unique plaque for the “Memory Of Mankind (MOM) on the Moon” project

12) Photovoltaic Investigation On The Lunar Surface (PILS), developed at Glenn research centre in Cleveland

13) Lunar Dream Capsule - Astroscale will send the lunar dream capsule which contains messages from children from around the world

14) Peregrine Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometer (PITMS) for lunar surface volatiles - by NASA Goddard and ESA

15) The Moonark - The Moonark is an epochal collaborative space project at Carnegie Mellon University.

16) Surface And Exosphere Alterations by Landers (SEAL), developed at NASA Goddard

17) The Arch Libraries by the Arch Mission Foundation

18) Memorial Space Flight Services - Elysium is providing lunar memorial services to deliver a symbolic portion of remains to the surface of the Moon

19) Terrain Relative Navigation - Astrobotic will demonstrate its standalone Terrain Relative Navigation (TRN) sensor as a payload on its first mission to the Moon

20) Memorial Spaceflight by Celestis

First Mission Launch vehicle: Vulcan Centaur, United Launch Alliance 

Last Updated on February 2023

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