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SpaceRadar | Payload Selection Tool

Yaoki Lunar Rover

Company Name: Dymon Co., Ltd., Japan

Potentially available for future missions 

Planned Mission(s): Peregrine Mission One

First Mission Launch: 2023

Payload Delivery Locations: First mission planned to land at Sinus Viscositatis, adjacent to the Gruithuisen Domes

First Mission Lander: Peregrine Lander

Rover Mass: 498 g

Rover Dimensions: 14.9 X 14.9 X 9.9 cm

Payload Bay - Available Mass: No external payload 

Payload Bay - Size: No external payload 

Communications Available: The lander-payload connection is provided via Serial RS-422 or SpaceWire for wired communication throughout the mission. Following landing, a 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11n compliant WLAN modem enables wireless communication between the lander and deployed rovers on the lunar surface. 

Peregrine lander relays payload telecommands and telemetry in near real-time.

Expected Working Duration: 8+ Earth days 

First Mission Rover Manifest: 

The rover can withstand impacts of 100G and can be thrown into caves for exploration. It is designed to keep running even if it falls over.

Last Updated on February 2023

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